Saturday, 19 March 2016

F a i t h & H o p e

Allah never shortchanges the one He loves.
Sometimes His way of giving is not in the form of gifts but in the holding back and taking away; regardless, Alhamdulillah 'ala kulli hal.

I hope to imagine the grand award that awaits us and also couples who are trying hard to conceive or who have had dealt with the loss of their baby even before they managed to be able to give birth to one.

I know that we will be compensated for, for striving for acceptance of all that He has decreed upon us, which surely, surely is always the best, certainly. Maybe not here, insya allah, maybe in the hereafter. That is what we are working for.

We've just got a lot of love to give, and it would have been nice if that was in the form of a child.

I am full of hope and faith.

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