Friday, 12 June 2015

Best seats

My sunset snaps in the plane is getting more often since the timing would pretty much be in my favour.
I am in awed, seeing all to be Allah's creation.
But as the sun sets and I saw the last blink of the red sky going down in front of my very eyes, i closed my eyes and silently prayed, and when i opened my eyes, that sun was gone. It could have been 10seconds, or less than a blink of an eye, it went down with all my thoughts for this week. How i saw a 34yr old man passed on due to a heart attack. It left me with a tight knot in my stomach just thinking about it. The experience of having a loved one taken away from me is gut wrenching and i hope never to experience it again but who am i kidding, mati itu pasti.

So with that, I made a little pact in my brain, that i will love everyone i have in my life, like it was my last.

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