Friday, 20 February 2015

Vacate by 1st March 2015

Ouh no.
Just received news from A that we have to vacate our home by last week of feb for the rental. 2years :'(

I was just adjusting to our new home and thought i could have a few more mnths. I mean, my work place is just 6bus stops away!

But on the bright side, i am just looking forward to the sum we are gonna save up for ny dream renovation works.

2 years cepat kan?

Anyways, i am on folic acid daily till 12weeks. Sometimes, most of the times, like today, i lupa la kan i da makan ke belum. So usually i wun take a double dosage. Just to be safe, i will omit the days dosage.

Cannot la. Must be discpline take this every day at a permanent timing.

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